Local Law 97 (LL97) has dramatically changed how New York City real estate owners assess future mechanical investments. Additionally, New York State is moving to ban the installation of oil and gas appliances in 2030.

Moving forward, owners need to be mindful of their buildings' emissions footprints and the equipment they choose. As a result, heat pumps are now becoming a common solution to satisfy a building's heat and hot water needs.

Rebates from Coned and National Grid have been steadily increasing to help alleviate the up front investment costs of heat pumps. Whether you are a multifamily building owner, hotel operator or commercial building manager heat pumps may be right for you.

Electrification is complicated- from permits, to rebates to design to implementation. Having a good installation partner is crucial to a projects success. Dual Fuel's staff is fully trained and experienced with various heat pump applications and technologies.


If you have an electrification job that you need quoted, give us a call today!